Monday, November 07, 2005


I'm so glad that VT lost!

For a long time now I have been getting pretty sick and tired about:
(A) PPL, stupid stupid PPL, bahhh-ing and neighing their gobbler-good song about Vick Vick Vick Vick Vick Vick Vick. Vick is a more accurate passer than Vince Young. Vick is so great so young, through his eighth start undefeated;
(B) Those same PPL being the blind leading the retarded;
(C) Them implying that Vince Young isn't accurate while at the same time Vince Young passes for at least 250 yards and 2 touchdowns almost every game, while usually either running for 200+ yards himself, or causing the opposing defense to focus so hard on him that it enables R.T./Prince Charles/MeltonTheClock/Young (two of whom aren't even in the EA Sports' NCAA 06 rosters) -- whoever's healthy among them -- to round it out to at least 350+ rushing yards nicely each game as well.

And I am so happy now because at least the top two things have stopped happening :-)

Oklahoma Sooners and Texas A&M Aggies can at least take refuge in the fact that they will never be as pathetic as Virginia Tech and all the East Coast biased crapola surrounding Scarface McCraw and his wiley band of Aggie-maroon-clad lunchbox bangers.

No wait, I got that backwards. What I really meant was, at least Virginia Tech can take refuge in the fact that they will never be as pathetic as Texas A&M, which is the most preposterous cult of hicks that ever has existed, replete with a fake army of shorn-noggined ugly guys playing bad choppy march music, and a legion of mainly Republican fans who holler like stuck pigs throughout the game (you have to hear it in real life to truly understand, it's not a natural sounding human noise... it is a specially passed down traditional yet inhuman cheer of Aggie fans that defies reason and would more well-suit a team whose mascot was Cthulhu rather than a dog who looks exactly like Lassie). And Virginia Tech can take refuge in the fact that, hey, at least they're not fans of the same Oklahoma will more than likely end up playing in the Alamo Bowl against the only team who beat Penn State, Michigan.


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